Monday, June 18, 2012

The Best Volunteer Job I have ever had?

Curtis Brandon
BC Class
Mike Harris
The best job (paid or volunteer) that I have ever had?

                The best volunteer job that I have ever had was that I mentored and helped young teenage youth to help them find their inner potential. My responsibilities were to help the young teenage youth become knowledgeable young people that have bright futures ahead of them and I was to teach them the right and wrongs of life. Another responsibility that I had and still do have is to reach out to those individuals and make sure that they take life by the horns and no matter what anyone tells you, you can do whatever you want to do. I loved working with those young teenage youth because they teach me new things every day and I loved it. The thing that exhilarated me was that I got to give back to my community and still do give back to my community every day with no regrets about anything that I do. Also, I enjoyed being around the young teenage youth and teaching them as well as learning new things and mainly getting the chance to see myself in a bright and young man or woman. One teenage youth that I remember who was a great person for me to teach and to learn other things from was a girl named Thalia, and a boy named Mario. These 2 young teenage youth are the epitome of what it means to be a true leader in the community and they both understand that risks that need to be taken in order to be what you want to be and not to let anyone tell you otherwise and they knew how to do these things so well that they ended up teaching me new things it applies to internship because I have developed Leadership, Motivation, Honor, Respect, and Loyalty.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My progress with reading Freakonomics!!!!!

Curtis Brandon
BC Class
Mike Harris
How the reading process has been for me?

          The reading has not exhilarate me at all honestly because I despise this book because this book in my opinion makes no since what so ever. I don’t understand the book even though I read it because it is a homework assignment and honestly if I had a choice I wouldn’t read this book anymore because this book totally doesn’t catch my attention.

          The advice that I would give to someone else honestly is that they should read this book at their own risk of either liking the book and or not liking the book. Then I would tell them why I don’t like the book period and then after that it is initially up to them whether they want to read the book or not.

          I would always read the assigned pages and do the work on the day that it is assigned and then wait until it is time to revisit the work again, but honestly I would never pick the assignment up again until we are all in class and discussing the assignment as a group.

          I read the book on bart and at home until I am done with the assigned chapters and then I do the assigned work and then i put the assignment away and never touch it again until the day we brng them out in class.